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yaika solidaire

donkeys for agricultural workers
in yaika, burkina faso

The village of Yaika is located in the Mossy territories, some hundred kilometres away from Ouagadougou, capital of one of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso.
In Yaika, there is no asphalt road, no electricity and no running water.
The association Yaika Solidaire supports the village in three different ways: education, local economy and health.

To be able to read, write and count is a basic right. The association Yaika Solidaire finances most of the primary school’s scholar needs and thanks to this action, more than 500 hundred children can go to school.
At the end of primary school, most of the pupils have to stop studying due to financial reasons. Thanks to individual sponsorship, about 60 pupils from Yaika are able to continue their education in junior and high schools.

Finally, in order to enhance the sanitary state of the village, which is in a malaria area, Yaika Solidaire is concentrating on improving the sanitary goods and equipment. Also, in 2003 the association created the Caisse d´Aide d´Urgence Sanitaire (Sanitary Emergency Aid Fund), which distributes free medicine to families in need.
In order to raise the amount of agricultural harvest, Yaika Solidaire supports different projects (committed against deforestation, improving the irrigation system and fencing off the cultivated fields with prickly bushes). Yaika Solidaire has also financed 50 donkeys to lighten the workload of farmers in the region.

During the event on May 22nd 2012 enu will be collecting money for the purchase of further donkeys.

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